Good Girl Read online

Page 6

  ‘Well, as I said, I think you’re a very attractive woman and I’d very much like to get to know your incredible body better,’ I murmur, pushing her fringe out of her eyes and cupping her face, forcing her to look into my eyes so she can see how serious I am. That it’s not just a line I’m reeling out. Because it’s really not. I genuinely find her extremely fucking tempting. She’s not like the women I usually date, sure, but I like that she’s different.

  She’s trembling hard now, but I can tell from her expression that it’s with anticipation rather than nerves. But, still, I want to be sure.

  ‘Is that okay with you, Juno?’ I murmur, my heart racing as I wait for her answer.

  I want to touch her so badly now I feel knots of tension building in my muscles. I want to put my mouth on her soft, warm skin and prove to her just how amazing her body is.

  ‘Yes,’ she says softly. ‘That’s okay.’


  He’s going to kiss me.

  I can feel his intent as he strokes his thumb gently over my cheek, sending ripples of pure pleasure across my skin.

  My lips tingle with expectation as I stare down at his mouth, wondering how it will feel against mine. His lips look firm, but so soft. I imagine he kisses well. Really well.

  I’m nervous about him seeing me naked, but I know I have to get over it if I’m ever going to move past this sexual glitch I’m stuck on, so I push the worry to the back of my mind. He’ll take good care of me. I know he will. I trust him. The whole reason I wanted to come to Sandro, apart from the physical attraction I feel for him, is because I know I don’t have to worry about him only doing this to try and get something from me. He doesn’t need the benefit of my family name—he already has enough power and money through his own family connections.

  But he doesn’t kiss me. Instead he gently parts the dressing gown I’m wearing, exposing my breasts to his gaze. His appreciation is clear in his eyes, which gives me the confidence to stop myself from covering right back up again and to let him do what he wants to me.

  I watch him as he drops his head to kiss the swell of one of my breasts, running his tongue in soft sweeps just above my nipple, then tracing a gentle circle around the aureole. My breasts feel heavy and engorged and I drag in a sharp breath as he sucks down hard on my nipple, drawing it deep into his mouth, sending a wave of pure, electric sensation straight between my legs as if the two areas are connected.

  ‘Oh...whoa...that feels so good,’ I gasp.

  He pauses for a moment and raises his dark head. ‘Yeah? You like that?’

  ‘Yes. Don’t stop!’ I plead.

  He moves to the other breast, giving it the same treatment, making my head spin and my whole body flood with dopamine. The heavy, insistent throb in my core intensifies.

  ‘Do you feel it in your pussy?’ he mumbles against my skin.

  I suck in a shocked breath at the intimacy of the question, then force myself to answer. ‘Yes.’

  He nods and I feel him smile against my breast. ‘Good.’ The sensation of his exhalation buzzes my skin and I can’t help but smile as well.

  ‘Your body has more erogenous zones than you think,’ he whispers, sliding his hands down over my hips and round to my buttocks. Grasping me firmly, he lifts me up and drags me further down the sofa, so I’m now lying prone beneath him. I feel the heat of his hands through the material of my robe as he moves them lower to find the hem. His fingertips skim over the sensitised skin behind my knees—a place I never thought in a million years would be so sensitive to touch—and I let out a gasp as flames of desire flicker up my thighs to join with the heat already pounding through my pelvis.

  One by one, he walks the fingers of one hand up the inside of my leg, his mouth still hovering over my breast with erotic intent, and I begin to drag in short, sharp pants as I feel him getting closer to the place I ache to be touched. He’s casting some sort of spell over me. In my haze of lust I think I’d probably do anything right now to get what I want. What I need.

  ‘You know, the whole of your pussy is one big erogenous zone.’ He goes on to prove this as his fingers finally reach their destination and he walks them over my mound, pressing firmly on each side and opening me up to his exploration. Each small pressure sets off little bombs of erotic sensation through me, as if all the nerves in my body have accumulated in my vagina and are having a war with each other. But he doesn’t touch my clit, which throbs with longing to join in.

  I almost sob with frustration as he walks his fingertips further up my torso and away from where I desperately need them to stay.

  Moving up the sofa so we’re now face to face, he looks into my eyes and I realise he’s checking if I’m still okay with all this.

  ‘Please...yes...’ is all I can say. I know I want something more, but I’m not sure how to ask for it. I need him to tell me.

  ‘Have you ever found your G-spot?’ he asks, his gaze searching mine.

  ‘What’s a G-spot?’ I pant.

  His smile is wicked. ‘So much good stuff to learn,’ he murmurs as his fingers glide lower again.

  This time he parts me fully and I gasp as he gently penetrates me with one long finger. I’m so turned on it slips easily inside me, bringing with it another riot of sensations. He slides it deeper, watching for my reaction the whole time, and I have to close my eyes because it’s too intense, too intense...

  And then he hits a spot that makes me see stars and I jerk beneath him, trying to get him to touch it again.

  ‘There?’ he murmurs.

  I nod and he finds it again, pressing hard in short pulses.

  ‘Oh, oh, oh!’ is all I can say.

  And then his thumb glides over my clitoris and I think I’m going to die with pleasure. But it’s not enough. Not quite. I need something...something more...

  As if he senses my inner battle, he whispers, ‘Tell me what you need, Juno. Say it, whatever it is. Say the words. You have to tell me what you want or you’re not going to get it.’

  A fierce blush burns my cheeks, but I’m determined to ignore it. I’m not going to let it stop me from getting what I want. I don’t want this to end. I have to have more.

  ‘Faster,’ I force out. ‘I need it faster. And harder.’

  ‘Good girl,’ he says with a smile in his voice and does as I ask, increasing both pressure and tempo until I think I’m going to go crazy with the joy of it. I’m so close to the brink, after a whole day of my body being primed for his touch, that I know it’s not going to take much more to break me apart.

  I begin to match his movements, unable to stay still, pushing myself harder against the pressure of his fingers. A low, guttural noise is building in the back of my throat, but I’m too far gone to care.

  And then, as if I’m hitting a high I’ve been unable to reach before, the intensity of the sensation shatters and wave after wave of pure pleasure washes over and through me, making my limbs jerk involuntarily and my breath stutter in my throat. I’m unable to focus on anything but the sensation of the orgasm as it rushes through me over and over again. I let out a loud groan of relief as it finally begins to subside and turns into a gentle buzz of satisfaction.

  My world comes back to rights and I open my eyes to find Sandro staring down at me, his expression one of awe, as if he’s never seen anything more absorbing in his life.

  And suddenly I’m shy again and intensely aware of how vulnerable I just allowed myself to be. I squeeze my eyes shut, hiding in the darkness I find there, taking a moment to centre myself. When I open them again, he’s smiling at me.

  ‘Fuck. That was so beautiful to watch,’ he mutters roughly, drawing his hand away from between my legs and gently pulling my robe closed to protect my modesty.

  My body gives a throb of regret at the loss of his touch.

  ‘And that concludes your lessons for today: how to ask for w
hat you want,’ he murmurs.

  ‘Really? You want to stop now?’ I ask. I was expecting him to ask for his own orgasm in return, so I’m surprised to find he doesn’t seem to want that. At least not tonight, I guess.

  ‘More tomorrow. I promise. Time to sleep now.’ He rolls away from me, and off the sofa to standing, then holds out a hand and helps me up too.

  My legs feel like jelly and I have to hold on to him for a second to steady myself.

  ‘You’ve not got your sex legs yet,’ he jokes.

  I can’t help but giggle, it’s so absurd.

  ‘Thank you,’ I whisper, glancing up at him with a smile and giving his arm a squeeze.

  ‘It was my pleasure. I think you’re going to make a very satisfying student.’ He pushes a rogue strand of hair away from my face and grins at me. ‘Now go to bed. You must be exhausted.’

  ‘I am,’ I say, yawning to prove the point.

  ‘Then I’ll see you in the morning. Buonanotte.’

  ‘You’re not going to bed too?’ I ask.

  ‘Not yet. I’m going to sit up a while,’ he says.

  I nod sleepily, grateful he doesn’t expect me to stay up too. My whole body is achy and heavy-limbed from such an intense experience and I desperately need to sleep now.

  He’s wrecked me.

  I can only imagine what a mess I’m going to be at the end of my week here with him.



  I DON’T SLEEP well alone in my bed.

  The memory of Juno losing herself plays over and over in my mind and, no matter how many times I jerk off, it’s not enough. I can’t sate this insistent urge for something more.

  Her mixture of sweetness and smarts seems to have me by the balls. Not to mention that gorgeous, curvy body of hers.

  Despite my firmness about not wanting to take her virginity, I have to admit, there’s something really fucking appealing about the idea of taking her on a sexual journey. She’s so pure and uncorrupted, it’s driving me crazy knowing there’ll be no climax to this scenario. At least, not for me.

  I roll out of bed the next morning feeling agitated and full of a nervous energy I have trouble keeping under wraps some days. It’s always been like that for me, as if my body produces too much adrenaline sometimes. It used to get me into trouble a lot when I was younger because it makes it impossible for me to sit still and concentrate. My teachers at school hated me for it. Now, though, when I feel like that, I relieve it by working on my latest sculpture till my whole body aches and I’m too tired to keep my eyes open. But I can’t do that while Juno’s here.

  I’m going to have to think of a good alternative.

  It looks as though she’ll be getting more than her fair share of attention from me today. Not that I’m complaining, and I suspect she won’t be either, judging by the way she responded to me last night.

  The memory of it gives me another raging boner and I decide it’s time I went to find her.

  The door to her bedroom is closed so I tap lightly on it, wondering whether she’s still asleep. It’s only seven a.m. so there’s a good chance she is. I’ve always been an early riser, even after a late night out partying.

  ‘Juno? Are you awake?’

  ‘Yes,’ she calls back in a throaty morning voice, ‘but I’m not dressed. I’ve just got out of the shower, so I’m only wearing a towel.’

  My mind jumps immediately to those incredible breasts of hers. I imagine them glistening with water and how I’d like to lick every drop from her skin... ‘Great, let me see,’ I say, trying to keep my tone playful and light when all I want to do is barge in there, rip that towel from her body and do filthy things to her.

  There’s a short pause, and I worry for a moment that she’s gone right back to being shy with me again and is going to refuse me entry.

  ‘Okay, you can come in.’

  Relief ripples through me and in that moment before I turn the handle I have a vision of her lying naked on the bed with her legs spread for me and a suggestive smile on that wonderfully expressive face of hers. But, as I push open the door, I know in my heart that that’s unlikely to be the case. She’s going to need a lot more encouragement to let go of her insecurity and start having more confidence in how fucking sexy she is.

  As I suspected, she’s actually standing in the middle of the room, looking a little awkward, with her towel wrapped tightly around her and her arms folded across her chest.

  ‘Buongiorno, cara,’ I say, keeping my eyes firmly on hers so she doesn’t think I’m ogling her in her undressed state.

  Sunlight is streaming in through the partly open shutters, bathing the room in a soft, golden glow. I glance at the rumpled bed, imagining her in it, tossing and turning—just as I did last night, unable to sleep—touching herself to try and relieve the same ache with which I’d had to contend.

  ‘Morning,’ she replies. Her cheeks are pink but the expression in her eyes is bright and friendly. ‘Did you sleep well?’

  ‘Terribly,’ I admit, strolling over to where she’s standing and leaning down to kiss her on both cheeks, taking the opportunity to breathe in her fresh, clean scent.

  ‘Sorry to hear that. I slept like the dead,’ she says, her voice coming out a little breathy.

  My cock gives a throb of interest, but I ignore the urge to pull her towards me and kiss her hard. I don’t want to spook her. I need to take this slow.

  ‘I like you all wet,’ I murmur with a grin.

  Her eyes widen and her cheeks deepen in colour as her gaze flickers away for a second before returning to mine. She lets her arms drop down to her sides as if forcing herself to relax.

  I smile, loving the warring reactions I’m drawing from her.

  ‘I just need to dry off, then I’ll be right with you,’ she says.

  ‘Let me help you with that,’ I suggest, reaching out to loosen the towel from where it’s wrapped across the top of her breasts, grasping both ends when it comes apart and holding it up so it’s still covering her body. I’m fully expecting her to stop me, so I’m delighted when she doesn’t. Instead she looks at me with a wide, trusting gaze, her eyelids only flickering closed for a second as she stands there meekly, waiting for me to do what I will with her.

  Blood pounds through my veins as the powerful sense of absolute control rushes through me.

  Droplets of water have pooled in the dip of her collarbone and they sparkle in the dappled sunlight as I lower my mouth to kiss her there, sweeping the dampness from her skin with my tongue.

  She drags in a sharp breath and I feel the pulse in her neck begin to race as I trace my tongue along it and up to the small hollow behind her ear.

  Her hair is damp and cool against my cheek as I gently bite her earlobe.

  A low, gratified moan rumbles in her throat and my cock hardens fully in response.

  Gathering the towel in my hands, I begin to rub it gently over the top of her back then lower to the swell of her buttocks. I kiss under the line of her jaw, then down the long column of her throat, feeling her swallow against my lips as I gently press them against it.

  Letting go of one side of the towel, I bring it round to the front of her body and dab it over her shoulders and the tops of her arms, then move down to the water-speckled skin of her chest and the top of her breasts.

  She’s letting out little pants now, as if she’s enjoying this, but just to make sure I ask, ‘How does that feel?’

  ‘Amazing,’ she whispers. ‘Like the whole of my skin is super-sensitised.’

  ‘Good,’ I whisper back, smiling to myself. If she’s turned on just from being touched like this, what I’m about to do to her is going to blow her mind.

  She inhales sharply as I get to my knees and begin to sweep the towel lower, over the tops of her breasts, then her nipples, which are standing erect and
are rosy-pink after the heat of her shower. I have the strongest urge to draw one into my mouth and feel her squirm with pleasure, but I restrain myself, ordering myself not to get distracted.

  As I move lower, swiping at the smooth skin of her stomach and gently dabbing into the hollow of her belly button, her fingers curl into fists at her sides.

  I guess she’s beginning to suspect where this is going.

  Avoiding the place I’m most interested in for the moment, I get down on my haunches and move the towel in soft, smooth strokes from the tops of her thighs right down to her ankles, then back up again, pushing her thighs gently apart as I go so she has to spread her feet a little more widely apart, exposing more of her beautiful pussy to my hungry gaze. I let my breath fan over her as I work, seeing her skin turn pink under my attention and feel the muscles in her legs vibrating as I work the towel over them again.

  ‘Relax. I’ll be gentle with you, I swear,’ I murmur.

  She lets out a rough groan of frustration. ‘I know I’ve still got a lot to learn about all this.’

  ‘There’s really not that much to learn. Once you’ve figured out what you do and don’t like, it’s pretty straightforward from there.’

  ‘Really? Because it seems like a minefield to me. People make such a big deal about it.’

  ‘Only people who are too afraid to ask for what they really want.’

  ‘What do you want?’ she asks with hesitation in her voice, as if she’s worried it’s too personal a question.

  I smile, pleased she’s asked me.

  ‘I want to go down on you. I want to put my mouth on your hot, sweet pussy and make you moan with pleasure. I want to feel you come on my tongue.’